Here is the NCTIR earthquake repair update for all areas covered by the Kaikoura Earthquake, with extra photos from me as well as the ones supplied by NCTIR
Highway Repairs
- SH1 south of Kaikoura will be closed from 26 March to 4 April due to critical slip remediation work needed at 12 sites between Goose Bay and Puketa where heavy rainfall has loosened a lot of new material.
- There are a total of 29 slip sites in SH1 south of Kaikoura that need further repairs.
- North of Kaikoura clearance work is continuing on numerous slips.
- Remote controlled diggers are at work at the Ohau Point slip where 110,000 cubic metres of material has to be removed under extremely dangerous conditions.
- Repairs have begun at the Waima railway overbridge south of Ward with the first stage of earthworks completed.
- Strengthening of the Oaro railway overbridge is continuing and the repairs to the retaining wall of the Parnassus railway overbridge started this week.
Railway Repairs (Kiwirail Networks - KRN)
- Kiwirail crews are making good progress on the railway line between Oaro and Mangamaunu.

This photo shows a section of remediated track about 6 km south of Kaikoura. (Supplied)
- 80% of design work for repair of rail tunnels is now completed and work is underway at tunnels 6, 16 and 18 (all of which are north of Kaikoura and near the fault line) to lower and realign the tracks within the tunnels.
KRN Tunnel 6 (left) and Tunnel 7 (right) at KRN milepost 175 km adjacent to Raramai Road Tunnels.
KRN Tunnel 16 (left) and Tunnel 17 (right) at KRN milepost 207 km, near Irongate Stream (Rakautara). At extreme right in this picture the tail end of a freight train that was trapped between two slips can be seen.
KRN Tunnel 18 at KRN milepost 211 km, Half Moon Bay north of Rakautara.
In the road report above the Ohau Point slip was referred to, here it is just 2 km north of Half Moon Bay.
- The train stranded near Tunnel 15 (sic) has been moved further north to provide for access for repair work. (The above location is quoted from the news report but as shown in a picture above the train was located north of Tunnel 17)
Photo of work near the stranded train. (Supplied)
- Minor repairs are being undertaken to the portals of Tunnels 1 and 2.
- Piling has started at Bridge 90 near Ferniehurst.
- Piling has been completed at Bridge 95 near Claverley.
- Strengthening work has started at Bridge 131 near Wharanui where new piles are being installed as the bridge is replaced with a new one.
KRN Bridge 90 near Ferniehurst, which has been demolished and is being replaced with a temporary structure.
New pile being put in at the site of Bridge 90.
KRN Tunnel 1 near Claverley
KRN Bridge 95 near Claverley, which is being repiled.
KRN Bridge 131 immediately south of Wharanui.
Inland Highway (SH70)
- $13 million worth of repair work involving 16 repair crews is being completed this week, to get the road ready for winter.
- Whales Back slip, Conway Bluffs and Lu Lu's slip will all get work done in coming weeks.
- The Wandle bridge is being replaced during winter.
Alternate Picton-Christchurch Highway
- Around 70 km of highway has been rebuilt or resurfaced.
- Springs Junction, Murchison, St Arnaud and Renwick are all in line for safety improvement projects during winter.
- Sections of highway are being widened to make overtaking easier.