See part 12 for a narrative of 1989 events.

June 1989. Harold Feather’s truck is loading at one of the banks in Hawarden yard. At left is the main station building with the men’s urinal the enduring structure (that is possibly still there today).

June 1989. Getting ready to tow rails off the formation across a small bridge/culvert. Ken Parker and Lindsay May to the right, the location is just north of Hawarden with the township in the background.

June 1989. Track still in place just north of Hawarden (looking north) alongside the oxidation ponds.

June 1989. Loading sleepers onto a truck at Hawarden level crossing.

August 1989. The recently acquired 10 ton diesel crane lifting the air compressor. This was taken by road to Waikari for a day’s work lifting track north-west of the station.

August 1989. As the NZR Waipara yard works continued, the redundant home signal at the north end was removed by a contractor. This signal has been re-erected at Glenmark. At right the loop extension works can be seen, with the WPR sidings at left.

August 1989. A little later the loop extension was completed, the old turnout to the former loop is still in the mainline at right. On the left are the Weka Pass Railway sidings.

August 1989. Beginning a day’s work with a quick look from the vicinity of the 16 km peg in the direction of Fenwicks Road crossing. Here we are looking along the straight towards Waikari, this stretch includes Bridge No.4 of which the guard rails are just visible in the distance, and No.3 closer to the crossing.

August 1989. Fenwicks Road crossing and Bridge No.3. The line curves around to the north ending the long straight run up from Waikari station.

August 1989. Starting work at Fenwicks Road over Bridge 3. The air compressor and tools were at work here due to the track being screwspiked.

August 1989. Further up the straight, the trolley with the compressor is seen sitting on Bridge No.4.

August 1989. Glen Anthony is hard at work lifting track on Bridge No.4 with an old milepost to the right.

August 1989. Rounding the curve near 16 km, an old trolley stand is seen. The track here is held in place with elastic spikes requiring crowbars to remove. An alternative solution for separating the rails is to jack up the track and sledge hammer the sleepers off. The compressor and air tools are still in use, now just for removing the fishbolts at rail joints.

August 1989. Fenwicks Road, looking towards Waikari.

August 1989. Rounding the curve near the 16 km peg.